Kimberley Preiksaitis

Assistant Professor of Marketing

Siena College School of Business, Loudonville, NY USA

TEACHING Philosophy

“Is marketing more than just advertising?”

“Are marketers evil?”

“Why should we care about what customers want?”

These are just a few of the questions students typically raise in my marketing fundamentals class. My favorite thing about working with college students is broadening how they think about the world in which they live, which is a constant whirl of offers, ads, and communication tools that offer consumers total information overload as fast as you can say “Hey, Google…”

(And, when those students ask: “Yes, marketing is so much more than advertising!”, “Marketers are not evil, the best ones are very good at getting customers exactly what the need and will continue doing it again and again.”, “We should care about what customers want because without customers who love your product/offering, there won’t be a business, full stop.”) 

The way I see it, I have the amazing opportunity to help students better understand the consumer landscape in which they live each and every day while encouraging them to see that customer value is created through compelling marketing offerings that target the right people at the right time with the right value proposition.

I’m passionate about creating learning environments where students stretch their thinking by learning new theories and gaining first-hand experience applying those theories, concepts and their own ideas to practical business problems. I also believe that teaching is a collaborative experience - students bring their experiences, ideas and opinions to the table so that we can share in the process of creating great learning experiences together.

Presently, I instruct a variety of different courses across both undergraduate and graduate education. For more details, see below.

Teaching Experience

School of Business, Siena College

  • MRKT 290 - Special Topics: Student-Led Marketing Consulting (Spring 2022) [Syllabus]

  • MRKT 640 - MBA-Level Strategic Brand Management (Spring ‘20, ‘21, ‘22) [Syllabus]

  • MRKT 610 - MBA-Level Consumer Insights (Fall ‘19, ‘20, ‘21, ‘22) [Syllabus]

  • MRKT 332 - New Product Development (Spring ‘19, ‘20, ’21, ‘22; Fall ‘19, ‘20, 21) [Syllabus]

  • MRKT 212 - Marketing Fundamentals (Fall ‘18, ‘19, ‘20, ‘21, ‘22; Spring ‘19, ‘20, ‘21) [Syllabus]

  • MRKT 435 - Marketing Management (Fall 2018)

Smith School of Business, Queen’s University

  • COMM 333 - Marketing Strategy (Winter 2018)

  • COMM 131 - Introduction to Marketing (Winter 2017, 2016)